Sunday, December 6, 2009

New Additions to the family

Four weeks ago we became the 'new slaves' to two rescued kittens, who we have named Narimanov (male) and Natavan (female). We believe that they were about eight weeks old.

They both have settled in very well and spend most of their day, eating & fighting & sleeping.

Narimanov is the ligher coloured, bigger kitten. He was quite cautious when he first arrived but not any longer. Natavan is darker in colour, she was the bravest of the two.

Vets (at least ones you would trust, we have heard lots of horror stories) aren't that easy to find, most people use either the state vet (which is a 40 min drive from the centre of Baku) or the vet at the zoo. We have found a vet close to our apartment, she is from the Ukraine and was very good with them earlier this week when they got their vaccinations for the first time. Medicine for pets isn't very advanced here and it tends to be human medication from the local pharmacy given in smaller doses.

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